Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How To Write My Son Permission Letter

The Simo knows

The Simo is like without Busi ' Island without competitors, empty, deserted, silent. The Simo without Busi has lost its great opportunity to confront someone off the beaten track televisvo we're used to. Simo The reproach that the sect that said something to Apparently not true on Busi, is proof that she knows that without Busi 's Island is turning into an old, same old, frightening direction: that of the common places above all else. Even over her that they will be commonplace. Simo is the sad and frowning. How to blame her. The Simo has more energy and do not know if he wants a dose of novelty there, among the handful of competitors, there is little to Ravana. The Simo knows this and is focusing on the not so famous. With a doubt, but if you are not famous, because the tip is called Island of the Famous ? But this is a rhetorical question that perhaps we are already doing the first episode when it was presented this cast, Busi, memo and Milo excluded. The Simo is nervous, you see, is pulled, you could see already, is worried. L 'Isola risk of a collapse, and this time the plastic surgeon can not help it. Busi was his big chance. As it was last year Vladimir Luxuria before, Rudd and then Rodriguez. Now, without the Busi Simo knows that the journey is more perilous than before. Busi Borromini was the island, a way to baroque placed under a grid made of rigid hinges and decumani. Obviously, the parallel street could not keep. Of course, even with the television, this television, sadly adamant for his choice, was able to absorb the shock wave originated from Tzunami, so to speak, Busi. It 's a bit like the story of Mauro Big Brother: its strength was directly proportional to the weakness of their competitors. With Busi, Mauro is not for charity, we repeated the exact same situation. But it was short, too little to even show us the other side of reality: the most original and unpredictable that only intelligence can do. And Simo knows. For this picks up the mop crededendo so distracted by the fall mood. At one time it was lying on the ground that, on the bare floor. Now, fearful asked a pillow. He knows that his Island became a resort for poor seamstresses country. Unfortunately. Good shirt to all